Wednesday, January 20, 2010

From the Male Perspective: Groom of "Fit to be Bride" winner Jessica S.

Orrin– Washington D.C.; Groom of “Fit To Be Bride” winner Jessica S.

“When Jess started her exercise program, I knew I was going to be supportive. My diet would adjust to match hers, and not only would I meet her at the gym to give her incentive to be there, but I would help her with her lifting exercises on her strength training days. (She had never lifted weights before let alone used the machines.) Two months later, I’ve had to adjust my belt tighter twice, and I have a lot more energy throughout the day because we eat 3 small meals and two snacks rather than no breakfast, a small lunch, and a huge dinner right before bed. It’s not a diet; it’s a way to make your body run more efficiently. There are 3 ½ months until the wedding and I hope we both continue on this journey. For any guys out there who want to be supportive of their “fit to-be-a-bride”, I can say that if you even loosely follow her training and nutrition program, you’ll end up a fit groom without the stress or hassle of dieting.”


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